Schedule it in your Schedule

Ever wonder about the different crazy observed days: For example March 02, 2024 is National observed Banana Creme Pie day. The link above is your go to source to find what day it is. Click on the above link and it will tell you about National Night Out Day and how National Night Out Day is on the first Tuesday in August promotes police-community partnerships in neighborhoods across the country. Explore both websites to find the important days that matter to you. We will register for the National Night Out and report back to our members registered to receive our newsletter.

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Check out our new Social Media started 2/14/24

A Message from Joe McLauglin, whose idea it was to create Crime Watch: (HERE)

Becoming a member of Crime Watch Greenville is Free. Contact Us and ask to subscribe to our newsletter for membership.

The following Link is copied from National Neighborhood Watch: Register to receive the newsletter that contains stories and information on what others are doing in their Groups.