Sample Forms from neighborhood crime watch to aide in organizing a neighborhood watch.
Chain of Command suggested by NNW.ORG. As more and more neighborhoods become organized, we will need a comprehensive organizational structure to cover the many neighborhoods that have neighborhood watches.. See below for the "Organizational Structure" of Crime Watch Greenville that will be reducing the criminal element of Greenville County. For those desiring a neighborhood watch, they should contact us 1st to see if there is already a watch. Regardless, Contact us to help you set up your neighborhood watch. There is no cost to you, only the desire to see our families and businesses become safe and secure.
Neighborhood Watch Presentation Part 1 and Part 2
Misc. Material that may helpful for your meetings or to assist you in other areas not covered on this website. For example the PowerPoint presentation Part 1 & 2
Products and Info from the National Neighborhood Watch Institute
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